Presenting studies in the literature review
For each study, devote a separate paragraph (or more):
– The first sentence of the paragraph states the goal/focus of the study and has the in text reference citation.
– Briefly describe the subjects (number, gender, age range or adults v. youth).
– Briefly describe independent and dependent variables, and how these were defined, measured.
– Identify the type of statistical analysis(ses) (if applicable) or if a qualitative study, briefly describe data analysis.
– Briefly summarize the results of the study in terms of numbers, if a quantitative study, briefly summarize what the numbers mean; if a qualitative study, summarize themes or however else the data were analyzed..
– Briefly summarize the authors’ statements about the implications of the study/ recommendations.
Later, depending on your literature review, you may write sections that include brief relevant statements about the results of studies and how these compare with other or similar studies.