L 548- Do’s and Don’ts for Successful First Bath for Your Puppy
A first, puppies smell fresh and are cute and cuddly. However, as your puppy grows older, they become more active and are likely to get dirty. So, the usual sweet scent turns to a stinky puppy smell, and this means it’s time for your puppy’s first bath. However, remember to give them the best bathing experience, for this determines how comfortable the subsequent showers will be.
Below are things to do or avoid when bathing your puppy for the first time:
- Bath at the right age
When can puppies have their first bath? Ensure that your puppy is eight weeks or older before washing them. A younger puppy is unable to regulate body temperature. However, you can always wipe your puppy with a warm cloth for them to stay clean. When your puppy is older, start bathing to get used to the process, and this makes it easy to groom them later on.
- Brush before bathing
Use a dog brush to get rid of debris, dirt, and tangles from mats before bathing. Wetting the puppy’s fur before brushing aggravates the knots in the hair.
- Use the right shampoo
A puppy’s skin is delicate, and you can’t use just any shampoo for bathing your pet. As such, opt for a gentle puppy shampoo to avoid irritating your puppy’s sensitive skin. Also, use puppy wipes to give your pet a fresh scent and get rid of dirt during the weeks without a bath.
- Have the necessary supplies ready
Have everything ready before commencing your puppy’s first bath. Have the puppy shampoo, towel, and a bowl to hold rinsing water within reach. Also, keep things like soap, cotton balls, and a soft cloth nearby. The cotton balls are useful for cleaning your puppy’s ears, and the soft fabric is for wiping the face.
- Bath time
Fill the bathtub with lukewarm water and ensure that it’s neither too hot or too cold before letting your puppy go in the water. Avoid loading the tub to the brim, but it should be enough for your puppy to stand in. For excellent results, use a plastic cup to soak the puppy’s fur or a hand-sparer but set it low.
Don’t start if you haven’t prepared all the necessary bath accessories. Otherwise, you’ll be required to move up and down to obtain them. Moreover, this can be exhausting and gives puppies taking a bath time to mess in the bathwater while you’re away.
- Avoid too much shampoo
Your puppy’s skin is very delicate, and you must take time to bath your puppy well. A small amount of shampoo is enough to clean your puppy. Apply the shampoo as required and avoid getting it into the puppy’s ears or eyes. Also, rinse thoroughly and be sure not to leave any traces of shampoo for this can cause itching, dryness, or allergic reactions.
- Avoid water in excessive temperatures
Don’t bath your puppy with hot or cold water. When the bathwater is ho, it may hurt your puppy’s sensitive skin. Even human beings hate bathing in water with extreme temperatures, and your puppy is no exception.
Take away
Although your puppy’s first bath may not be comfortable, bathing will soon become a natural part of your pet’s grooming process. The first bath is critical in establishing future success, so come up with a bath routine that works for you and your pet and remember to keep the shower short. Also, use a puppy shampoo and focus more on making your puppy comfortable rather than getting him clean. For excellent results, prepare all the items you need before you begin the bathing process.